Thursday, June 12, 2008

Leetch Retirement Ceremony Was The Best

Stan Fischler at gives his thoughts on why Brian Leetch's retirement ceremony was the best...

"His speech -- like his laser-like passes -- was accurate and to the point; neither too long to inspire yawns nor too short to give fans the feeling they might be cheated a bit. His entourage made us feel as if we were sitting in on the Leetch Family Circle. And, of course, the parade of teammates embellished the event.

As for melodrama, No. 2 supplied that when he tipped off the crowd that everybody's buddy, Adam Graves, would similarly be honored next semester.

The extra added attraction for me was Leetch's appearance -- along with Messier -- at the WaMu event. He handled our questions with candor, and his typical understatement. Those of us who loved the guy before, loved him even more when it was over. Which is not to detract from some of the other farewells."

...I've only seen the three most recent ceremonies, but I would say each of them was great in their own way.

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